Legal notice


  • OWNER: Club Atlético de Madrid, S.A.D. (hereinafter, the “Club”)
  • REGISTERED OFFICE: Avenida de Luis Aragonés, 4, 28022, Madrid.
  • N.I.F: A-80373764
  • PUBLIC REGISTRY: Company Register of Madrid in volume 3834, folio 1, first registration on page M-64416.
  • EMAIL:


This document establishes the general terms and conditions (hereinafter, the “General Terms and Conditions”) that regulate the provision of services by the Club to its users (hereinafter, the “Users” or, in singular, the “User”) through its web portal located at the URL « » (hereinafter the “Website”).

Any matter that has not been expressly adressed in these General Terms and Conditions shall be deemed reserved to the Club, without prejudice of the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations.

Likewise, the Club reserves the right to make modifications and/or updates to these General Terms and Conditions, of which the User will be informed in advance for their acceptance or rejection in the event of being substantial. In any case, it will be understood that the User expressly accepts such modifications or updates if the User continues to contract the services offered by the Club on the Website.

The fact of following electronically all the steps in the process of acquiring goods or services implies the express acceptance of these General Conditions by the User, having the same validity as the express signing of a contract. In this way, the User acknowledges that is a person with sufficient capacity to acquire the obligations arising from their actions through the Website that has previously read and understands its content.

In any case, in order to access to the WebSite, the User must be over fourteen (14) years of age. The Club will understand that the access and registration of children under fourteen years of age comes from the parent or legal guardian, and that, therefore, they are granting their prior and express authorization for said User to be able to access to the WebSite. In any case, the parents or legal guardians of the children who register on the Website will be responsible for the use of the Website by the children.

Likewise, the entire contracting process will be carried out in the English language.


On the website you can access information about the innovation projects promoted by Atleti Lab and get in touch with the department.


It is not permitted and, therefore, its consequences will be your sole responsibility, the access, browsing or use of the Website for illegal or unauthorised purposes, with or without economic purposes. In particular, and without the following list being absolute, it is prohibited:

  • Use the Website in any way that may cause damage, interruptions, inefficiencies or defects in its operation or in third party devices;
  • Use the Website for the transmission, installation, or publication of any viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs, malicious code, or other harmful programs or files;
  • Use the Website to transmit material for advertising or promotional purposes, including spam, chain letters, or similar;
  • Use the Website in a manner that constitutes an infringement of the rights of the Club or any third party;
  • Use the Website to transmit or post any material that is defamatory, offensive, racist, vulgar, disparaging, pornographic, or obscene or threatening nature or that may annoy or harm or merely affect any person;
  • Use the Website to collect personal data from other Users;
  • Use the Website illegally, contrary to good faith, morality and/or public order;
  • Unauthorized access to any section of the Website, to other systems or networks connected to the Website, to any Club server or to the services offered through the Website by hacking or forgery, password mining or any other illegitimate means;
  • Carry out any action that causes a disproportionate or unnecessary saturation of the infrastructure of the Website or the Club’s systems or networks, as well as the systems and networks connected to the Website itself.

Failure to comply with any of the above obligations on your part may result in the Club adopting the appropriate measures protected by law in the exercise of its rights or obligations.


The Club will endeavour to ensure that the contents of the Website are adequate and correct. In the event of noticing the existence of errors in the content of the Website, failures or any other cause that may be detrimental to the normal functioning of the Website and/or the availability of the Services, the Club will endeavour to resolve them as soon as possible.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Club declines any obligation or liability in relation to the content available on the Website and reserves the right to update or delete any content, as well as to limit or deny access, temporarily or permanently, to any User.

In particular, the Club cannot guarantee the reliability, usefulness and veracity of all the information, services and/or content available on the Website, nor the usefulness and veracity of the documentation provided therein.

The Club cannot guarantee and will not be responsible for:

    i) The continuity of the content and services available on the Website;

    ii) The absence of errors on the Website and/or in the Services;

    iii) The absence of viruses and/or any other harmful component on the Website or on the server that provides it, it being the User’s responsibility to equip its systems and devices with appropriate tools to detect and disinfect such harmful components;

    iv) The invulnerability of the Website or the security measures adopted, as well as possible security errors or breaches that may be caused as a result of access of the User or any other user using an infected device;

    v) The lack of usefulness or malfunction of any of the contents of the Website and/or the Services;

    vi) Damages caused by any person who violates the General Terms and Conditions, whether caused to themselves or to third parties;

    vii) Delays, deletion, mis-delivery or personal settings of the Website;

    viii) Decisions made by the User as a result of the information provided through the Website, nor any damage caused to the User or third parties as a result of actions taken solely on the basis of the information contained on the Website. In this regard, the Club cannot guarantee the reliability, accuracy and/or veracity of the information provided through the Website to the extent that such information is provided by third parties;

    ix) Damage caused to the User’s devices or those of third parties during their use of the Website;

    x) Damages of any kind that may derive from access to or use of the contents of the Website;

    xi) Infringements of intellectual or industrial property by third parties, or infringements by third parties that may affect the User and other users of the Website, as well as other websites and/or systems operated by the Club;

    xii) Consequences derived from the malfunctioning of the User’s browser or the use of non-updated versions of it;

    xiii) The, negligent, fraudulent use, contrary to the General Terms and Conditions, good faith and public order, of the Website or its contents or services by the Users;

    xiv) Damages of any nature caused to the User as a consequence of failures or disconnections of the telecommunications networks or any other electronic systems that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Services and/or that affect the availability of the Website, at any time.

If the User becomes aware of the existence of any content that is illegal, illicit or infringes the rights of third parties, the User must notify the Club immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.

The Club reserves the right to deny access to the Services for any reason and/or discontinue the Services, either in whole or in part, at any time without notice. Use of the Website is subject to all applicable laws and regulations, and the User shall be solely responsible for the content of any communications sent through the Website.

In any event, the Club shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under these General Terms and Conditions if the delay or failure is due to any cause beyond its reasonable control, such as: force majeure, problems accessing the Internet, technological problems beyond diligent and reasonable management, actions or omissions of third parties, among others. In all the above-mentioned cases, which are beyond the control there will be no compensation to the User for damages or losses, to the extent permitted by applicable law.


The User shall be responsible for:

    a. Any act that contravenes the content of these General Terms and Conditions and/or any other conditions in force on the Website, the law, morality, generally accepted customs or social norms and public order.

    b. Any damage or loss that may arise from misuse, negligence or non-compliance by the User in its use of the Website and/or the services, including, but not limited to, these General Terms and Conditions, the applicable legislation and/or any instructions, guidelines or recommendations made by the Club.

    c. Accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the User when accepting and executing the General Conditions.

    d. Compliance with these General Terms and Conditions.

The User agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Club, including its directors, shareholders, successors, affiliates, employees, agents and representatives, from and against any costs, claims, lawsuits, liabilities, expenses, losses, damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising out of or resulting from the use of the services by the User.

The User also undertakes to indemnify the Club for any legal fees incurred by the latter, acting reasonably, in the investigation or enforcement of its rights under these General Terms and Conditions.


7.1. Access to the WebSite and contact form

Access to and use of the Website implies that the User accepts and undertakes to fully comply with these General Terms and Conditions, as well as the instructions or recommendations that may be indicated in each specific case through the Website.

When the User provides personal data through the form made available on the Website, it will be necessary to previously read and accept the Privacy Policy. The User may contact the Club regarding the processing of its data by sending an email to the following address

When entering in contact with the Club through the form on the Website, the User must enter its email address.

7.2. Unsubscribe from the Website

The User may unsubscribe from the Website at any time, by expressly notifying, indicating the e-mail address that the User used to contact the Club through the form on the WebSite. Once the corresponding verification has been carried out, the Club will send the User a confirmation with the cancellation process.

As soon as the cancellation of the Website becomes effective, all functionalities will no longer be available.

In any case, the User may fill a new contact form, provided that the User accepts these General Terms and Conditions and/or the Website’s Privacy Policy, as well as any additional rules of conduct that the Club may approve.


The Club owns or, where appropriate, has the corresponding licences over the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Website, as well as those corresponding to the information, materials, products and other content thereof, including, among others, source code, designs, navigation structure, images, graphics, audiovisual content, photographs, texts, programming codes, databases, trademarks, logos and any other distinctive signs and protectable elements displayed or used on the Website.

Under no circumstances shall it be understood that the access, browsing and use of the Website by the User implies a waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial assignment of any intellectual or industrial property right by the Club.

The Club only grants the User a limited, non-transferable, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-exclusive license to access and use the Website on the User’s device. Any rights not expressly granted shall be reserved by the Club.

The User, as well as any third party, shall be restricted in particular, without limitation, from carrying out the following actions: (i) decompiling or reverse engineering the Website; (ii) linking, mirroring or framing any part of the Website and/or its contents; (iii) deploying or launching any type of program to carry out any action related to data prospecting or actions aimed at damaging the operability and functionality of the Website; and (iv) removing, modifying or any similar action tending to alter the Club’s copyrights on its trademark, its Website or its contents or those of any third party.

Likewise, no content on the Website may be modified, copied, distributed, framed, reproduced, reused, downloaded, extracted, displayed, transmitted or sold in any way by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the Club.

Any other use of the contents of the Website is strictly prohibited.

Likewise, it is forbidden to remove or manipulate the copyright indications or any other credit that identifies the holders of the rights over the contents of the Website, as well as the technical protection devices, digital prints or any protection mechanism or information incorporated into the Website.

If the User suspects or is informed of the existence of any illicit or illegal content, including content that could infringe the intellectual property rights of third parties, the User must notify the Club through the following email address in order to take appropriate measures:

Similarly, if the User considers that the Website infringes its own intellectual property rights, or any other right, please send an email to the Club at the address indicated above, with the following information:

  • identification of the User and, in the case of a legal entity, of its representative, including contact information;
  • relevant documentation supporting the request, identifying the owner of the infringed rights;
  • a detailed list of the rights that have allegedly been infringed by the Club or by any of the Users, as well as their exact location on the Website; and
  • express and responsible declaration that the content has been used without the consent of its owner.


The Club does not authorise the establishment of links to the Website from other websites or digital channels that contain material, information or content that is illicit, illegal, degrading, obscene and, in general, that contravenes the law, morality or public order, or generally accepted social norms.

The Club does not have the power or the human or technical means to know, control or approve all the information, contents, products or services provided by other websites that have established links to the Website.

The Club assumes no responsibility for any aspect related to the web pages that establish such links to the Website; specifically, but not limited to, their operation, access, data, information, files, quality and reliability of their products and services, their own links and/or any of their content in general.

In any case, the Club reserves the right to prohibit links to the Website and to demand their removal when they do not comply with the conditions set out in this section.


In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre, de Protección de Datos Personales y garantía de los derechos digitales (hereinafter, “LOPDGDD”) all personal data provided during the use of the Website will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Policy

All users who accept these General Terms and Conditions also accept our Privacy Policy in an informed, express and unequivocal manner, and may exercise the corresponding rights in this area as indicated in the aforementioned Privacy Policy.


These General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force from the moment they are published on the Website and shall bind the User, even prior to registration, in all matters relating to their browsing and use of the Website and its contents.

The Registered User shall be fully bound by these General Terms and Conditions, and the use of the Website and the Services shall be governed by the provisions herein, from the moment of their express acceptance of them in the registration procedure.

The General Terms and Conditions shall remain in force between the Club and the User as long as the User continues to use the Website and the Services, until terminated by either party in accordance with the terms of this document.

However, certain provisions herein are expressly or implicitly intended to remain in force after termination or expiry, so that they shall remain in force and continue to be enforceable against the User in accordance with their terms even if these General Terms and Conditions are no longer in force.

Likewise, the User acknowledges that these General Terms and Conditions may be terminated early in the following circumstances:

  • Termination for non-compliance. The Club may terminate the contract in the event of non-compliance with these General Terms and Conditions by the User, without prejudice to the fact that the Club, at its discretion and taking into account the nature of the breach, may grant the User a maximum period to rectify the same. The Club reserves the right to suspend the User’s access to the Services during the correction period.
  • Termination for misuse. The Club may suspend or terminate the contract with the User in the event that it becomes aware of the improper use or use contrary to the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, as well as in the event of receiving a notice or notification informing the Club that the use of a User may constitute a criminal or illegal activity in accordance with the legislation in force in Spain or in the User’s country of origin.
  • Termination due to interruption or suspension of the services provided through the Website. In the event that the Club decides to interrupt or suspend the services, it may terminate these General Terms and Conditions.

In the event of termination of these General Terms and Conditions for any reason, the User will lose its right to use the Services, regardless of whether its user account may remain open. However, the user account may be cancelled by the Club, at its discretion, as a result of the User’s failure to comply with any of the terms applicable to the Website and/or the use of the Services.

In any case, the Club reserves the right to claim the corresponding compensation for damages that may have been caused by the User’s breach.


All the clauses or extremes of these General Terms and Conditions must be interpreted independently and autonomously, and the rest of the stipulations are not affected in the event that one of them has been declared null and void by a court ruling or final arbitration resolution. The affected clause or clauses will be replaced by any other or others clauses that preserve the effects pursued by the General Terms and Conditions of the Website.


The regulations in force will determine the laws that must govern and the jurisdiction that must hear the relations between the Club and the Users. This, however, in those cases in which said regulations in force provide for the possibility for the parties to submit to a specific jurisdiction, the Club and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, submit to Spanish legislation and to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid.

To file complaints regarding the use of the Club’s services, you can send a letter to the email or physical address indicated in the “Identification” section, and the Club undertakes to seek an amicable solution to the dispute at all times.

Last Updated: September,11,2024
All rights reserved.